0.5 km
To the center
32.8 km
To the airport
1.9 km
To the railway
Your search: 1 room 2 guests
ChangeCheck in
From 14:00 - To 00:00Check out
From 07:00 - To 12:00Do not have rooms in this accommodation option per night, su, feb. 09, 2025 - mo, feb. 10, 2025
Accommodation conditions
New Star Khiva Hotel takes special requests - add in the next step!
The Hotel “New Star Khiva” is located in Dishan Qala (“outside” fortress of Khiva), which is just a few meters away from Ichan Qala (Walls) and occupies a building of former madrasa of Muhammad Maxram with its minaret, which was built in 1903. It was erected by one of the most influential officials and advisers of Muhammad Rahim Khan II.
Except for other outstanding amenities and services offered here, the hotel stands out in the city with its water filtration system and underfloor heating systems installed beneath the hotel room floors in order for our guests to keep warm during their stay throughout the year.