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Hotels in Chimgan

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Hotel reservation in Chimgan

Chimgan (Uzbekistan) is not only a place popular for its ski resorts in winter, but also for mountain hikes in summer. Numerous recreational areas in Chimgan will provide you with the brightest impressions, and will remain in your memory for a long time. The most important factors here are the cleanest air, extraordinarily beautiful nature, and health resorts. Chimgan, with a height of 3,309 m, has a huge number of hotels and health institutions at different levels of height. Chimgan ski resorts are known all over the world - these are not only unique tracks, but also the unforgettable grandeur of snow-capped mountains sparkling in the sun. Resting in Chimgan is a combination of pleasant with useful, especially for people with various diseases of the respiratory system.

So why do most people prefer to go to Chimgan? Rest, prices, amenities, everything fits together. Why? Because, you will get a complete rest, for a decent price, and all the amenities for your comfortable stay will be included.

Cottage, summerhouse, guest house or hotel? Chimgan - there is everything! It is through our service you can view a list of hotels or other accommodation, and book a room in one that will be to your liking. Want unforgettable memories? Visit the Big Chimgan. The price of hotels here is no different from others, but this is where you will find yourself truly far from vanity and civilization.

 Or, if you want to be closer to the mountain slope than to its summit, Small Chimgan will suit you. The hotels here are distinguished by the convenience and modern technical equipment, almost all of them have high-speed Wi-Fi Internet.

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