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Check Out Wed, 16 oct.
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Hotels in Tashkent

88 out of 776 hotels are available on selected dates.

Hurry up, while there is plenty to choose from!

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Hotel reservation in Tashkent

On this page you can see the best hotels in Tashkent and choose the best option for yourself. Urgently looking for a hotel room? Having trouble picking the perfect one? Check out our offers. Already, you can book hotels in Tashkent and other cities of Uzbekistan.

We have selected the most attractive, meeting international standards, budget and absolutely luxury hotels in Tashkent! Uzbekistan is waiting for you in its capital!

Going on a journey or a business trip to Tashkent? How much is a night in the room, user reviews, photos of rooms, a list of included and additional services - all this is presented on MyBooking.uz

We recommend to decide on the future place of residence, immediately after you have purchased tickets to Tashkent. Early booking will eliminate the risk of difficulties with accommodation, will solve the problem that could spoil the whole impression of visiting this beautiful city.

Hotels in Tashkent, the prices presented on our site are fully justified and do not have extra charges. Book rooms for the amount set by the hotel, without visiting the hotel’s personal site! Tashkent - choose, save, do not overpay. You, no longer need to search hotels in Tashkent on the Internet! Cheap rooms and prestigious apartments of the luxe class are waiting for your booking.

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