12.6 km
To the center
22.3 km
To the airport
13.6 km
To the railway
Your search: 1 room 2 guests
ChangeCheck in
From 14:00Check out
To 12:00Do not have rooms in this accommodation option per night, tu, mart 11, 2025 - we, mart 12, 2025
Accommodation conditions
Hotel CHAYKOVSKIY takes special requests - add in the next step!
The building of the former Tchaikovsky Music School in Yangiobad has been successfully restored and converted into a cozy hotel, preserving architectural details and historical elements.
Built in the 1960s, the building reflects the modern materials and geometric shapes of the time.
The restoration project not only preserved the historic building, but also transformed it into a new functional space that now serves hotel needs.
We invite you to visit this hotel with a special history!